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Art Pro Audio USB Dual Pre Project Series

Art Pro Audio USB Dual Pre Project Series
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Opis proizvoda:

The USB Dual Pre is a full-featured high quality dual portable preamplifier and computer interface packed into a compact rugged case.

It is designed to work over a wide variety of applications from remote field recording to desktop/studio tracking. Each of the two low noise input channels has up to 48 dB of clean gain with signal present and clip LED indicators. Inputs can be either XLR balanced or 1/4-inch TRS. Each of the 1/4-inch TRS outputs is buffered low impedance balanced.

The USB Dual Pre is powered via the USB bus. An internal 9 Volt battery, or optional external 12V power supply (or any combination of USB, battery & power supply) can be used depending on application. When running powered by battery alone, you should expect in excess of 50 hours of operation with phantom power off. Battery life will drop to approximately 20 hours (depending on microphone) when phantom powering is engaged (still enough time to get through an average session).

The built-in low noise +48 Volt phantom power supply allows you to power up to 2 microphones as well as the preamplifier when running from any power sources including the USB bus.

For monitoring, an 1/8-inch TRS mini headphone jack with level and monitor mix controls on the rear allow for latency free local monitoring of the inputs while recording as well as playback monitoring of the USB bus. The monitor mix is also routed to the 1/4-inch TRS balanced outputs. This lets you use the 1/4-inch outputs as either preamplifier outputs or as the monitor feed to your powered monitors.

The USB interface is fully compliant with the USB 1.1 specification and uses USB adaptive mode for playback and USB asynchronous mode for record. It will work with the USB audio device drivers built into Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP/Vista and Apple OS9.1/OSX computers with native USB support. No special drivers are needed.


USB Connectivity to Desktop and Laptop Computers

Low Noise Fully Balanced XLR and 1/4-inch TRS Combi Inputs

Up to 48 dB of Clean Gain n Built-in Low Noise Phantom Power Supply

Latency Free Monitoring Mix and Level Controls

Independent Channel Gain Controls

1/4-inch TRS Balanced Monitor and 1/8-inch Headphone Monitor Outputs

Includes Audacity Recording & Production Software

Flexible 3-way Power from USB, External Supply, or 9 Volt Battery

Includes USB Cable - Everything Needed To Start Recording Today!


Admirala Geprata 10
+381 11 7617 400; 10-18h

Novi Sad

Sutjeska 2, SPC SPENS
+381 21 450 800; 10-20h


Obrenovićeva BB, TC Kalča
+381 18 250 670; 10-18h


Admirala Geprata 10, Beograd
+381 11 7617 500; 08-16h