The FPS-2 adapter from Fulltone delivers a consistent 9V regardless of what your wall AC is pumping out. This adapter has a positive center pin and is designed for use only with the '69, SoulBender, and OctaFuzz effect pedals.

Ukoliko pronađete povoljniju ponudu za ovaj instrument, dobićete ga od nas jeftinije za 10% od razlike u ceni!
The FPS-2 adapter from Fulltone delivers a consistent 9V regardless of what your wall AC is pumping out. This adapter has a positive center pin and is designed for use only with the '69, SoulBender, and OctaFuzz effect pedals.
Designed for use only with the '69, SoulBender, and OctaFuzz pedals
Consistent 9V of power
Positive center pin