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Korg TM-60 WH

Korg TM-60 WH
[klikni na sliku za uvećan prikaz]
Naša cena:
3.450,00 DIN
U cenu je uračunat iznos PDV-a.

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Opis proizvoda:

The Korg TM-60 BK is a chromatic tuner with metronome. The tuner has a larger backlit display that can display the voice and metronome functions simultaneously. The brightness can be changed in two steps (Soft or Auto). The battery life is up to 130 hours, depending on use.


  • Voice function and rhythm accompaniment. Both functions can be used simultaneously
  • Backlit LC display for perfect legibility
  • LCD needle display with pitch detection
  • Detection area (C1~C8) for a variety of instruments
  • The chamber tone frequency is freely adjustable
  • Markings for the indication of pure third intervals (major and minor third)
  • Metronome with a tempo range of 30 to 252 beats per minute. The tempo can be set in three different ways, there are 15 rhythm variations to choose from.
  • Doubled battery life
  • Setting buffering and automatic switch-off.
  • Pitch detection can be further refined with an optional CM-200 contact microphone.


Admirala Geprata 10
+381 11 7617 400; 10-18h

Novi Sad

Sutjeska 2, SPC SPENS
+381 21 450 800; 10-20h


Obrenovićeva BB, TC Kalča
+381 18 250 670; 10-18h


Admirala Geprata 10, Beograd
+381 11 7617 500; 08-16h