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The ESP LTD B-416 Spalted Maple 6-string Bass has neck-thru-body construction for added sustain and tonal clarity. The 5-piece maple-walnut neck has an extra-thin U-contour, for quick and easy play.
A string-through-body design adds sustain to your notes, while the LTD B-415 bass guitar's rosewood fingerboard accentuates mid... Detaljnije...

ESP Guitars LTD Vintage-204, Black bass guitar for you keepers of the low end.
The Vintage-204 bass has a classic design, with bolt-on necks a 34" scale, an alder body, and 21 XJ frets. The bass also comes with chrome hardware including ESP vintage tuners and ESP DB-4 bridge. The Vintage also features ESP LDJ (bridge) and LDP... Detaljnije...

LTD Viper-414 Black
The 4-string ESP LTD Viper-414 Electric Bass features set-neck construction for smooth, deep, and lasting sustain. The Viper neck's thin U-contour allows quick and easy access to all 21 extra jumbo frets. The rosewood fingerboard adds strength and density for a great-sounding tone, comfortable in almost any musical application. With its sleek... Detaljnije...

Nasuprot ekstravagantnim dizajnevima koje je ESP skoro pravio, EC-154DX je prost, elegantan standardni model standardne dužine skale (34") savršene cene za nove pridošlice bas svetu koji žele kvalitetan instrument bez da progore rupu u svom dzepu. Njegova tanka U kontura vrata i usek na dodnjem rogu čine lak pristum ljudima... Detaljnije...
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