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Casio SA-47

Casio SA-47

The SA-46 (green shell base) and SA-47 (grey shell base) feature 32 child-friendly mini-size keys and include 100 tones, 50 rhythms and 10 integrated songs. This is a serious playmate that will become a permanent fixture in your child's room.  Detaljnije...
Cena: 8.655,00 DIN 7.790,00 DIN  
Casio SA-46

Casio SA-46

The SA-46 (green shell base) and SA-47 (grey shell base) feature 32 child-friendly mini-size keys and include 100 tones, 50 rhythms and 10 integrated songs. This is a serious playmate that will become a permanent fixture in your child's room.  Detaljnije...
Cena: 8.655,00 DIN 7.790,00 DIN  
Casio SA-76

Casio SA-76

With 44 keys, the SA-76 (orange shell base) and SA-77 (grey shell base ) provide all budding musicians with the essentials for playing their first tunes.  Detaljnije...
Cena: 8.655,00 DIN 7.790,00 DIN  
Yamaha PSR-E383

Yamaha PSR-E383

 AKE YOUR FIRST KEYBOARD THE BEST. MAKE IT YAMAHA. Yamaha’s entry-level keyboards respond to your inner thoughts and emotions, and help you perform expressively. With a touch response function that lets you fully control the dynamics of the sound, plus 650 different instrument Voices, including grand piano and others—as well... Detaljnije...
Cena: 36.990,00 DIN  
Yamaha PSR-EW320

Yamaha PSR-EW320

 PLAYING WITH RICH EXPRESSION The touch response function puts fully expressive control over the dynamics at your fingertips, and the 76-key keyboard covers a greater range than conventional 61-key models—more than one octave—allowing you to authentically play even more piano pieces.   IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS—AND... Detaljnije...
Cena: 49.878,00 DIN 44.890,00 DIN  
Yamaha PSR-E283

Yamaha PSR-E283

MAKE YOUR FIRST KEYBOARD THE BEST. MAKE IT YAMAHA.   Get in on the excitement and fun! Yamaha's entry keyboard for beginners motivates and entertains you at the same time—taking your playing to a higher level. The PSR-E283 gives you all the tools to enjoy and practice, even for the first time, with 410 authentic instrument Voices,... Detaljnije...
Cena: 23.790,00 DIN  
Yamaha PSR-EW425

Yamaha PSR-EW425

An evolution in sound and performance With a 76-key touch-sensitive keyboard and functionality that builds on and evolves the legacy of the renowned PSR series of portable keyboards, the PSR-EW425 offers you power and performance that... Detaljnije...
Cena: 79.211,00 DIN 71.290,00 DIN  
Yamaha PSR-E473

Yamaha PSR-E473

A revolution in portable music   The touch-sensitive keyboard and powerful sound engine of the PSR-E473 bring together superb sound and great feel in an all-new portable instrument.   Sound like a pro! The PSR-E473 delivers the same... Detaljnije...
Cena: 57.766,00 DIN 51.990,00 DIN  
Yamaha PSR-E273 Black

Yamaha PSR-E273 Black

GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING When playing is fun, you want to keep practicing, the more you practice, the more you improve, and the more you improve, the more you want to play. As much an educational learning tool as it is a musical instrument, the PSR-E273 combines Yamaha quality Voices and Styles with sophisticated practical learning... Detaljnije...
Cena: 26.100,00 DIN 23.490,00 DIN  
Yamaha PSR-F52

Yamaha PSR-F52

PSR-F52 je savršena klavijatura za sve koji žele da nauče da sviraju. Ima sve funkcije koje su vam potrebne za vaše prvo iskustvo sviranja. Ima li boljeg načina da se okušate u stvaranju muzike nego na klavijaturi svetski poznatog proizvođača instrumenata Yamaha? PSR-F52 nudi solidnu osnovu za svakoga ko želi da... Detaljnije...
Cena: 14.290,00 DIN  
Alesis Harmony 32

Alesis Harmony 32

Klavijatura za početnike sa 32 dirke i ugradjenim zvučnicima. U ovaj model upakovano je 300 visokokvalitetnih zvukova kao što su tradicionalni klavirski i orkestarski instrumenti , ali i gitare, bubnjevi i zvučni efekti, 40 demo pesama namenjenih početnicima uz koje možete da svirate, kao i 300 različitih ritmova. Ugradjeni zvučnici... Detaljnije...
Cena: 6.990,00 DIN  
Korg EK-50

Korg EK-50

Nova Korgova klavijatura, predstavlja aranžersku klavijaturu idealnu za početnike, po jako pristupačnoj ceni, koja kvalitetom svojih zvukova I ritmova može da parira I znatno skupljim modelima. EK-50 donosi različite ritmove svih žanrova muzike, kao I preko 700 realističnih zvukova, koji sa 61 dinamičkom dirkom I zvučnicima odlične... Detaljnije...
Cena: 47.000,00 DIN  
Casio CT-S300

Casio CT-S300

61 keys with touch response — and more portable than ever: CT-S300 is a stunning model not only for its superb design — the sheer quantity of great features is equally impressive. Equipped with Dance Music Mode, which even amateur musicians can use to easily create great dance tracks, a pitch bend wheel, plus the ability to connect... Detaljnije...
Cena: 24.989,00 DIN 22.490,00 DIN  
Casio CT-S100

Casio CT-S100

61 keys and highly intuitive operation make the entry-level model from the CASIOTONE series the perfect musical instrument. At home or on the go—since it can also be powered by batteries—the CT-S100 is an instrument that will always make music fun. An abundance of tones and rhythms, plus the ability to connect the instrument to... Detaljnije...
Cena: 14.989,00 DIN 13.490,00 DIN  
Yamaha PSS-E30

Yamaha PSS-E30

Počinje sa osmehom Remie (PSS-E30) donosi predivan zvuk, klavijaturu prilagođenu za male ruke i knjigu sa pesmama osmišljenu da vam pomogne da vodite vaše dete kroz muziku. Kompaktna i lagana, Remie je laka za malog maestra – da je samostalno uzme i odloži. Gledajte ih kako se osmehuju dok otkrivaju univerzalni jezik... Detaljnije...
Cena: 9.490,00 DIN  
Yamaha PSS-F30

Yamaha PSS-F30

Yamaha PSS-F30 Učenje kroz zabavu Sa širokim spektrom prelepih zvukova koje može da pruži samo Yamaha, funkcijom automatske pratnje koja izlaže vaše dete različitim muzičkim stilovima, klavijaturom dizajniranom posebno za njihove male ruke i bibliotekom poznatih pesama, PSS-F30 je pun zabavnih sadržaja koji pomažu u... Detaljnije...
Cena: 9.490,00 DIN  
Yamaha PSS-A50

Yamaha PSS-A50

Od sviranja do snimanja, ova mobilna klavijatura može sve. Yamaha PSS-A50 Neka se vaš glas čuje. Veliki, profesionalni zvuci u malom telu. Kul efekti i kreativna kontrola. Sve što vam je potrebno da stvarate zvukove po svom ukusu. Alati koji inspirišu i hvataju trenutak. Ugrađeni Arpeggiator inspiriše nove... Detaljnije...
Cena: 13.890,00 DIN  
Yamaha PSR-E360 DW

Yamaha PSR-E360 DW

61-key, entry-level Portable Keyboard. An expressive touch-sensitive keyboard action with sophisticated functions and designed to enhance your living space. Detaljnije...
Cena: 34.989,00 DIN 31.490,00 DIN  
Yamaha PSR-E360 MA

Yamaha PSR-E360 MA

61-key, entry-level Portable Keyboard. An expressive touch-sensitive keyboard action with sophisticated functions and designed to enhance your living space. Detaljnije...
Cena: 34.989,00 DIN 31.490,00 DIN  
Casio SA-78

Casio SA-78

The 44 key Casio SA-78 offers children the essentials for playing those first tunes. 100 tones, 50 rhythms, and 10 integrated songs provide variety. The LSI sound source and the 8-note polyphony ensure good sound quality. The LC displace helps with selecting different music options. The SA-78 also includes a striking change-over switch making... Detaljnije...
Cena: 8.655,00 DIN 7.790,00 DIN  
Casio SA-77

Casio SA-77

With 44 keys, the SA-76 (orange shell base) and SA-77 (grey shell base ) provide all budding musicians with the essentials for playing their first tunes. Detaljnije...
Cena: 8.655,00 DIN 7.790,00 DIN  
Prikazano 1 - 21 od 21 artikala
Popularni proizvodi:
Casio SA-76 Casio SA-76
Cena: 7.790,00 DIN  
Casio SA-46 Casio SA-46
Cena: 7.790,00 DIN  
Casio SA-47 Casio SA-47
Cena: 7.790,00 DIN  
Casio SA-77 Casio SA-77
Cena: 7.790,00 DIN  
Yamaha PSR-F52 Yamaha PSR-F52
Cena: 14.290,00 DIN  


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