- Yamaha (1)
- Alesis (2)
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Yamaha DTX452K
The drumming that you saw on TV, and the drumming that drives a million people wild–everything starts with giving it a try.
Sounds that you can play even now pulsating in your heart Throbs of joy resounding through your chest An impulse that you can’t control Don’t let your passion stay hidden inside you; Fulfill your desires... Detaljnije...

The Alesis Crimson II Kit is a Nine-piece electronic drum kit featuring exclusive Alesis mesh drum heads (U.S. Patent 9,424,827) that delivers the perfect feel and expression. It features an 8-inch kick, 12-inch dual-zone snare, two 8-inch dual-zone rack toms and a 10-inch dual-zone floor tom, along with a 12-inch hi-hat with pedal, two 12-inch... Detaljnije...

The Command Mesh Kit features all mesh-head pads that deliver an authentic drumming experience. This kit includes an 8"mesh kick with pedal, a 10" dual-zone mesh snare drum, and three 8" dual-zone mesh toms. The set also features a 10" ride cymbal with choke, a 10" crash with choke, and a 10" hi-hat with foot... Detaljnije...
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