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Reissue of the first and highly coveted Way Huge pedal
Boutique style overdrive with a small Tweed Amp style tone
Transparent and responsive to playing dynamics
Simple two knob operation: Volume and Drive
Aggressive "Way Huge" style output volume-great for slamming an amp's input
CMOS circuit... Detaljnije...

Dunlop Jimi Hendrix Fuzz Face precizna verna reprodukcija Dallas Arbiter Fuzz Face-a iz 1969-70-te koji je Jimi koristio na čuvenom albumu Band of Gypsys. Dunlop-ov inženjerski tim je pregledao horde vintage Fuzz-eva, da bi izradio spravu koja nepogrešivo poseduje Jimi-jev zvuk.
Hendrix Fuzz Face je izrađen oko BC108 silikonskog... Detaljnije...

Fulltone Fulldrive 2 Mosfet
Housed in a beautiful powder-coated blue 16-gauge steel enclosure, the Fulltone Fulldrive 2 effects pedal is capable of clean boost or non-compressed overdrive via its first Overdrive Mode channel. Choose light to medium softer overdrives all while retaining your guitar's original tone. The pedal's Tone knob is a very effective Presence control... Detaljnije...

Blackstar HT-METAL
2 channel, ultra high gain, filth machine
The HT-METAL valve distortion pedal is a no-compromise, two channel, ultra high gain, filth machine. Powered by true 300V high-voltage valve circuitry, this pedal offers cascaded tube gain stages and authentic tube amp response. Each ultra-high gain channel offers its own... Detaljnije...

A classic overdrive circuit with modern modifications for improved performance and versatility.
The MXR M77 Custom Modified Badass Overdrive Guitar Effects Pedal is a classic overdrive circuit with modern modifications for improved performance and versatility.
For added flexibility, there's a 100HZ cut and boost control... Detaljnije...

Line 6 Dr Distorto
Ako ste umorni tona kome fali sustain i kontrolisanog feedback-a ToneCore Dr.Distorto ima lek za vas.Dr.Distorto ima pun, klasičan ton sa neverovatnim sustain-om zahvaljujući inovativnoj elektronici.Bilo koje podešavanje da koristite dobićete savršen feedback zahvaljujući Rise, Fall i Blend kontrolama. Sustain i Octave kontrole... Detaljnije...

Boss ML-2 Metal Core Pedal
Sa svojim ekstremnim gain-om Boss ML-2 pedala je jedna od najpotentnijih i najjačim distortion pedalama koje je Boss ikada stvorio. Sa lakoćom donosi masivnu distorziju sa jakim niskim tonovima potrbnim za sviranje Nu Metal, Grind Core, Industrial, Hard Core, ili bilo kog drugog žanra koji iziskuje snažan zvuk. Detaljnije...

Boss FZ-5 Fuzz Pedal
Boss FZ-5 je moderna pedala napravljena za modernog gitaristu, ali daje čist retro zvuk. FZ-5 rekreira vintage fuzz zvuk '60-ih i '70-ih koristeći Boss-ovu COSM tehnologiju. Setite se zvukova klasičnih fuzz pedala kao što su Maestro FZ-1A, Fuzz Face i Octavia pedale i dodajte im overdrive koristeći FZ-5 Boost knob. Savršen... Detaljnije...

Fulltone 70 BC Fuzz
Ever played an original FuzzFace from around 1970? (HINT: Not AT ALL the same sound as ones with the same namesake being mass-produced currently.) Ours has two intentionally mismatched (for harmonic content) silicon transistors that snarl and spit... not for the meek! If you put the "Fuzz" on 10 you will rip, and you might get all... Detaljnije...

Electro Harmonix Muff Overdrive
The Electro-Harmonix Nano Muff Overdrive Effects Pedal revives the big sound of the 1969 classic Muff Fuzz effect in a compact, die-cast aluminum package. No complicated settings needed here: just the switch and a volume knob. Rugged construction and amazingly compact
to save valuable pedalboard space! The red LED indicates when the effect... Detaljnije...

The legendary Way Huge Green Rhino has returned!
The Way Huge Electronics Green Rhino Mk II Overdrive pedal has all the gorgeous, classic overdrive that you crave, but it's evolved to include cool new features that make it even more rhinoceriffic. In addition to the Volume, Tone, and Drive controls, you get a 100Hz EQ knob to cut... Detaljnije...

A hot-rodded classic circuit that roars with huge amp-stack tones and old-school distortion.
The MXR Custom Badass '78 Distortion roars with huge amp stack tones and old-school distortion. MXR took a classic distortion circuit and hot-rodded it to deliver over-the-top, soaring leads and rich, saturated rhythms. With only three knobs,... Detaljnije...

Electro Harmonix LPB-1
Little pedal, big boost!
The Electro-Harmonix Nano LPB-1 Power Booster is a spot-on reissue of the original LPB-1 circuit that introduced overdrive in 1968. Put this little monster in line before any effect to provide boost and definition. Improves the gain and saturation of your amp. The Nano LPB-1 Power Booster gives your sound... Detaljnije...

Electro Harmonix Double Muff
The Electro-Harmonix Double Muff Distortion Pedal stuffs 2 classic transistor Muff Fuzz effects from '69 into one box to give you double the trouble! Using just one gives you a hint of milky distortion. Cascading the second lets you turn your milk into outrageously thick cream. The Double Muff pedal's simple 2-knob operation makes it easy... Detaljnije...

Boss ST-2 Power Stack
ST-2 Power Stack pedala omogućuje Vam da kreirate razne tonove, od masnog crunch do ultra high-gain svetski poznate BOSS distorzije, i to uz kvalitet i moć koji su kao kod profesionalnih "lampaških" pojačala. SOUND potenciometar istovremeno menja primenjeni gain i karakter zvuka, pa je jednostavno i brzo izabrati bilo... Detaljnije...

Electro Harmonix Bass Metaphors
The Electro-Harmonix Bass Metaphors Compressor Pedal has a distortion design that melds carefully selected compression with bass-specific EQ. You get tonality structure for your bass with a rock solid foundation. The Bass Metaphors pedal's channel strip design makes for easy setup and deadly tone. 1/4" and XLR inputs and outputs let... Detaljnije...

Electro Harmonix Micro Metal Muff
The Electro-Harmonix Micro Metal Muff Distortion Pedal is everything you love about the classic Metal Muff in a small, die-cast aluminum package with simplified controls. 15db boost and cut around a carefully selected mid frequency guarantees huge scoop possibilities. Selectable top boost ranges. 9V DC power jack, small and compact so... Detaljnije...

Electro Harmonix Big Muff Pi
Like the legendary Big Muff Pi of the '70s, the reissue Electro-Harmonix USA Big Muff Pi Distortion/Sustainer Pedal has 3 controls that let you dial in the finest harmonic distortion/sustain ever produced. The Volume control adjusts the output level. The Sustain control optimizes the long sustain with just the right amount of harmonic... Detaljnije...

Electro Harmonix Bass Big Muff Pi
The Electro-Harmonix Bass Big Muff Pi is a distortion pedal that gives bass players that great distortion that the Big Muff is known for with no loss of low end. The Bass Big Muff Pi Pedal features controls for volume, tone, sustain, dual outputs (effect and dry for recording), and a mini switch for bass boost. The Electro-Harmonix Bass... Detaljnije...

The Swollen Pickle mkII Jumbo Fuzz is the most sought-after and corpulent Way Huge guitar effects pedal, and now it's back! A charter member of the Way Huge line has returned, and just like when it debuted in 1997, it still has "more fuzz than a moldy peach!" The Swollen Pickle mkII doles out super high-gain fuzz with copious... Detaljnije...

RASPRODAJA - pedale, procesori, efekti WAY HUGE WHE301 FAT SANDWICH DIST
The Fat Sandwich Distortion represents an advanced era in guitar pedal design for Way Huge. In addition to carrying on the Way Huge tradition of amazing tone and rugged construction, the Fat Sandwich Distortion Pedal delivers heaps of crunchy distortion goodness via its innovative multi-stage clipping circuit. Meticulously designed from... Detaljnije...

RASPRODAJA - pedale, procesori, efekti WAY HUGE WHE101 ANGRY TROLL
The mighty Angry Troll boost pedal serves up monstrous portions of volume and gain to pummel the input of your amp. It adds bite and punch while transforming your anemic and mild mannered tone into a beastly sonic onslaught. The Angry Troll boost pedal's two controls interact like a vintage mic preamp. The Anger knob—a rotary switch... Detaljnije...

Ova kompaktna ali moćna MXR gitarska pedala je sve što vam treba da "pustite s lanca" najrazornije moderne metal gitarske tonove koje ste ikad čuli. FullBore distorzija turbo-elektriše vaš gitarski signal sa smrtonosnim količinama ultrahigh gain-a. Sve to upotpunjeno ja sa Noise Gate-om koji briše šum... Detaljnije...

Line 6 Uber Metal
Line 6 ToneCore Uber Metal Distorzija donosi masovne količine gain-a u jednom malom čvrstom pakovanju.Možete izabrati neke od najboljih Line 6 tonova uključujući Metal, Pulverize i Insane.Uber Metal pedala takođe sadrži ugrađen Noise Gate i Scoop kontrolu.
ToneCore pedale sastoje se od ToneDock baze sa sa stereo ili mono zamenjivim... Detaljnije...

Napravljena ispočetka sa najboljim dostupnim komponentama, MXR Custom Shop GT-OD Overdrive gitarska pedala pruža kremast, topao i klasičan overdrive bez nepotrebnog zujanja ili bojenja tona. Jednostavne kontrole omogućavaju vam da brzo namestite sjajan ton - od crunchy rhythm tonova sa jasnoćom u akordima, do lead tonova punih harmonika... Detaljnije...

MXR je udružio snage sa Bob Bradshaw-om osnivačem Custom Audio Electronics-a da vam predstavi MC-401 Boost pedalu. Kada smanjite volume na gitari, pedala prirodno "čisti" zvuk a ne utanjuje ga, bivajući usput veoma odzivna na sviračku dinamiku. Visoko kvalitetne komponente obezbeđuju tih rad i odličnu integraciju sa vašim... Detaljnije...

Ova pedala dodaje predodređenu količinu gain-a, koristeći samo jednu kontrolu. To vam dopušta da pojačate vaš signal za solaže, podesite odnos dve gitare sa različitim nivoom izlaza (npr. humbacker gitara i single coil gitara), ili da je uključite za konstantan boost u dugom nizu pedala gde pad signala predstavlja problem. Detaljnije...

Razvijena "od nule" koristeći pažljivo odabrane komponente, Distortion III gitarska pedala isporučuje sve od ugodnog pevejućeg overdrive-a do masivne distorzije. Njena prirodna distorzija, slična pojačalu, je dovoljno svestrana da se uklopi u bilo koji svirački stil i dovoljno transparentna da omogući da se čuje ton vaše... Detaljnije...

RASPRODAJA - pedale, procesori, efekti DIGITECH XMM Metal Master
Nemojte se zadovoljiti sa samo jednom distortion pedalom kada možete imati 3 u samo jednoj! Predstavljamo vam Metal Mater pedalu od DigiTech-a. Pedalu koja će vam pružiti sav arsenal tonova koji vam je potreban.
Koristite Morph kontrolu da podesite odnos high-gain tonova sa scooped midrange zvukom, i punchy mid range heavy metal zvukom... Detaljnije...

Boss ODB-3 Bass Overdrive
Boss ODB-3 overdrive pedala je skrojena da ispuni zahteve današnjih basista sa mnogo varijacija tona, od blagog overdrive-a do grubih distorzija. Pokriva čitav spektar uključujući petožičane bas gitare tako da nema zamućenja tona čak ni kod najnižih tonova. Sadrži kontrolu balansas tako da možete miksovati efekt sa bas signalom... Detaljnije...

Boss MT-2 Metal Zone
Dvojna gain elektronska kola Boss MT-2 pedale daju super dug sustain i jaku distorziju. Precizna kontrola tona obezbeđena je posredstvom 3-band EQ-a koji uključuje regulisanje High/Low frekvencija plus Parametrični EQ srednjih tonova. Odvojene Level i Distortion kontrole. Detaljnije...

Boss DS-2 Turbo Distortion
Boss DS-2 Distortion Pedalu karakterišu dva Turbo moda! Mode One stvara toplu i blagu distorziju sa ravnim frekventnim odzivom. Mode Two daje jaku distorziju sa pojačanim opsegom srednjih tonova. Karakteriše je mogućnost spajanja sa eksternim footswitch-em kao što je FS-5L za instant hands free mod. Detaljnije...

Fender Hammertone Distortion
The sound of rock'n'roll - from light drive to heavy crunch, guitar wouldn't be the same without it.
The Hammertone™ Distortion delivers the legendary distorted tones you need for nearly any style of music. The active 2-band Bass and Treble EQ controls provide modern tone-shaping flexibility, while the pedal board-friendly top-mounted... Detaljnije...

Blackstar HT-DISTX
The HT-DISTX allows more tonal adjustment than any other pedal around. The patented ISF (Infinite Shape Feature) circuit gives you infinite adjustment over the characteristics of the tone control network and takes you from the USA to the UK and anywhere in between. So now, for the first time, you can effectively design your own tone and finally... Detaljnije...

Yuer RS-22 Bass FD
Bass Fuzz pedal that can go from subtle dirty sounds to full gain madness. Fuzz produces nice and big Fuzz tones, while the Dist Mode mixes dry and Fuzz signals, resulting in a nice dirty sound that's still defined and clear. The Level knob can be used to match bypass and Fuzz levels, or as a level boost when using the Fuzz mode, (lt's... Detaljnije...
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